How Could I Possibly Tick You Off?

do you annoy your spouse?

Marriage Moments will include questions and/or exercises to start conversations. They will provide an an opportunity to know yourself and your partner better. Check in with your LifeMate to see if this is a good time for them to answer these questions. If it is not a convenient time schedule a later time that would work for both of you. When you are the listener, show up with an interested and curious attitude. Be careful not to interrupt. After one of you has answered the questions, turn the tables and give the other partner their chance.

Have fun getting to know each other better!

  1. Can you recall a time in your relationship that you were totally ticked off and it now makes you laugh?
  1. What do you appreciate about your mate’s sense of humor? Explain.
  1. Has there been a time when you lost your sense of humor and it didn’t serve your relationship well?
  1. In Proverbs 27: 17 Solomon wrote that ‘steel sharpens steel and so one person sharpens another.’ Has that proven true in your relationship? How have little things that irritated you about your mate helped you to grow personally?
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